part 106 -
fuzzbot 2000. a relic from past
ideas about the future. we thought the future'd be fun. we did not realize the
future would be a declaration of war as perhaps we should have. immorality
sweeps the land. all the crazy shit we do and do not. self-righteous asswipes
abundant like a plague on a scorched earth.
think happy thoughts.
think about the defeat of one's enemies. they deserve it. who would think to oppose us with our mighty glory shining forth like a freight train in a dark tunnel? let them rot where they fall. oh boy.
but the clown's particular peculiar state of mind that guides him though the tribulations of humanity gone wrong. he walks a fine line along pathless paths into forever wherever it might lead him. he is faithfully unconcerned about any destination he might come upon though he worries constantly. what a mixed up world to live in. who can decide anything to be right or wrong?
think happy thoughts.
think about the defeat of one's enemies. they deserve it. who would think to oppose us with our mighty glory shining forth like a freight train in a dark tunnel? let them rot where they fall. oh boy.
but the clown's particular peculiar state of mind that guides him though the tribulations of humanity gone wrong. he walks a fine line along pathless paths into forever wherever it might lead him. he is faithfully unconcerned about any destination he might come upon though he worries constantly. what a mixed up world to live in. who can decide anything to be right or wrong?
the clown knows he is wrong. he's
reminded every day. god speaks to him and shows him the chances he has missed out
on. but there is will and a way. he laughs at himself at the fix he's in. he
laughs cuz there is always a way out if we try to imagine. he'll sleep on it.
awakening to coffee, toke,
cigarette. and it's medication time. and he has a fat black cat he may be
allergic to as it turns out. but he has no fear.
the gods smile down on him from their perches in paradise lazily enjoying eternity in a moment here now. he is not concerned with details. he perhaps has general understanding of how and why. it's good enough for him who doesn't expect much more than that, though there probably will be of some intent or another.
the gods smile down on him from their perches in paradise lazily enjoying eternity in a moment here now. he is not concerned with details. he perhaps has general understanding of how and why. it's good enough for him who doesn't expect much more than that, though there probably will be of some intent or another.
this lower world where we fight
about that which makes us $$$ and everybody wants it all it seems. too bad for
the losers. who cares about them who is at all important? voices cry out in the
wilderness. it's all vanity.
it's cold and windy as the clown
eats a hot dog and gazes out the window at all he might see from here now. so
much space and time appearing in divergent forms all over the place fitting
together for good and/or evil consequences as we shall see.
is it us who decide? yes and no. it's been the same for ages yet is malleable to our slightest will to change as we have witnessed with our perceptions. or not.
it need not be exactly like that. and life and death is nothing. a brief burning flag beneath the moon. a wink in the dark. how lonely it is, however. a solipsistic loneliness endured by one and one alone in all eternity. perhaps ultimately unable to die. rooted in hell, reaching for heaven. existence consciousness bliss. always striving for an unattainable goal. the object of the project is the project.
is it us who decide? yes and no. it's been the same for ages yet is malleable to our slightest will to change as we have witnessed with our perceptions. or not.
it need not be exactly like that. and life and death is nothing. a brief burning flag beneath the moon. a wink in the dark. how lonely it is, however. a solipsistic loneliness endured by one and one alone in all eternity. perhaps ultimately unable to die. rooted in hell, reaching for heaven. existence consciousness bliss. always striving for an unattainable goal. the object of the project is the project.
pet the kitty.
what's left to figure out about the puzzle of the world? there is so much the clown knows not, but if he wanted to know he could find out easily enough. he understands enough to his satisfaction that he is still learning all the time anyway. thoughts come from the æther realms of psychotic transmissions. you must be insane to receive them. voices in his heads. a legion of angels and demons just by chance forever guiding him by strange light.
what is this?
what's left to figure out about the puzzle of the world? there is so much the clown knows not, but if he wanted to know he could find out easily enough. he understands enough to his satisfaction that he is still learning all the time anyway. thoughts come from the æther realms of psychotic transmissions. you must be insane to receive them. voices in his heads. a legion of angels and demons just by chance forever guiding him by strange light.
what is this?
to interpret what is written as not
p0em as coming to nothing is misleading. it always comes to gazorbnik if
nothing else. the meaning may be unclear or meaningless but everything shines
on through it such that we perceive it anew to experience within without for
ourselves all we cannot relate through this language still rooted in
prehistoric stone age grunting sounds.
zombie patrol. kill 'em all, baby.
the useless and the dead. parasites to our living flesh. what a world this has
become. cut off to fend for ourselves or die. as god's will is done.
and this is not p0em which we need not be concerned with literal truth but metaphoric truth. dig?
literal truth is a foundation upon which metaphoric truth rises above like a fly crawling on a window.
and this is not p0em which we need not be concerned with literal truth but metaphoric truth. dig?
literal truth is a foundation upon which metaphoric truth rises above like a fly crawling on a window.
the nihilist stark dark truth. the
positivist truth of bright light. or something like that. it's all how one
might expect it as one perceives it and experiences it. which comes first?
we each go into it with our own state of mind and being leading the way creating order out of chaos recognizing patterns and objects and such. is it as simple and easy as that? people who claim to know will give us different answers. how do we divide them apart when we ourselves know nothing?
we each go into it with our own state of mind and being leading the way creating order out of chaos recognizing patterns and objects and such. is it as simple and easy as that? people who claim to know will give us different answers. how do we divide them apart when we ourselves know nothing?
people against police. poor against
rich. everyone against one another. and a merrie time is had by all.
no way to find compromise with all this anger and hate on the streets. no one will give in. shouting and not listening. it's just a riot and will keep happening more and more as days decline toward total breakdown as we have seen before in ages past.
for the clown it's just another day observing the chaos around him awakening with coffee, toke, and cigarette, wondering what's to come and knowing and uncaring. he is old and in the way. he has become useless more so than he's ever been. he has achieved his goal.
it's medication time.
no way to find compromise with all this anger and hate on the streets. no one will give in. shouting and not listening. it's just a riot and will keep happening more and more as days decline toward total breakdown as we have seen before in ages past.
for the clown it's just another day observing the chaos around him awakening with coffee, toke, and cigarette, wondering what's to come and knowing and uncaring. he is old and in the way. he has become useless more so than he's ever been. he has achieved his goal.
it's medication time.
the clown is cold. he puts on a sweater. getting more coffee and a bagel with cream cheese and blackberry jam while wondering about maybe sleeping again and about the nature of impossible things and people suffering. is it becuz of their karma? is there balance to all things?
and he sleeps as is his wont.
the clown is cold. he puts on a sweater. getting more coffee and a bagel with cream cheese and blackberry jam while wondering about maybe sleeping again and about the nature of impossible things and people suffering. is it becuz of their karma? is there balance to all things?
and he sleeps as is his wont.
awakening once more today. more
coffee and toke and cigarette. complicated horseshit in his head going buzzing
around the place. cast not pearls before swine. let them wallow in their
ignorant stupidity. give them nothing. they deserve their fate. do not bother
and waste time on those who are here in this world just to die.
oh well.
but remember it is it like nothing else is it for those who understand what it is. it is simple. overlooked. forgotten.
drink it down till it fills us up overflowing. too much is not enough. repeat as necessary. there are some who get it at once. for others it takes lifetimes of struggle to begin to realize there is anything that is it to get. 222
oh well.
but remember it is it like nothing else is it for those who understand what it is. it is simple. overlooked. forgotten.
drink it down till it fills us up overflowing. too much is not enough. repeat as necessary. there are some who get it at once. for others it takes lifetimes of struggle to begin to realize there is anything that is it to get. 222
let everything be so as it is. let us change our minds to come to understanding. sweet, baby. it takes all kinds as many have forgotten in the race to nowhere they happily embark on to be the greatest above the rest. and then they die like anyone else.
to live the life yet welcome death. rest in peace everlasting. do we know what we really want? perhaps it is nothing more than food, clothing, shelter. we doubt that anyone else might be so amused to want merely that and that alone. but that is not necessary to get it.
let everything be so as it is. let us change our minds to come to understanding. sweet, baby. it takes all kinds as many have forgotten in the race to nowhere they happily embark on to be the greatest above the rest. and then they die like anyone else.
to live the life yet welcome death. rest in peace everlasting. do we know what we really want? perhaps it is nothing more than food, clothing, shelter. we doubt that anyone else might be so amused to want merely that and that alone. but that is not necessary to get it.
we kinda assume nearly everything
is in a state of standing still as it actually is traveling toward the velocity
of light. this can be seen if we know what to look for. but we are looking
another way. oh well.
but this comes to the clown as a vision all of which have usually proven to be true enough to fit into our theory of everything the clown types on and on as not p0em. simple.
the universe instantly at once connected by light unbeginning unending here now. laugh at the absurdity of it. yes.
the universe as unraveling ball of yard. the clown doesn't think much of a multiverse perhaps cuz it leads to an infinite series of russian dolls. or not. we shall see.
but this comes to the clown as a vision all of which have usually proven to be true enough to fit into our theory of everything the clown types on and on as not p0em. simple.
the universe instantly at once connected by light unbeginning unending here now. laugh at the absurdity of it. yes.
the universe as unraveling ball of yard. the clown doesn't think much of a multiverse perhaps cuz it leads to an infinite series of russian dolls. or not. we shall see.
repeating everything forever. our memory
and reality becoming mismatched from each other as odd as that might seem to
some who do not notice. but the clown likes to believe anything being true that
may not be true cuz it's unrationalogical [sic]. (unrationalogic is not always
necessarily irrationalogic). don't worry, everything is hunky dory fine and
dandy ok.
tickling fancy doodle-doos of his brain dancing on the edge of being insane, while eating oreos & drinking cold coffee. exquisite avenues of thinking to meander along through though danger lurks everywhere if we are not careful but become clumsy in our sleep. it is nothing.
tickling fancy doodle-doos of his brain dancing on the edge of being insane, while eating oreos & drinking cold coffee. exquisite avenues of thinking to meander along through though danger lurks everywhere if we are not careful but become clumsy in our sleep. it is nothing.
patterns - when all one sees is
patterns. the trips are over. clear your heads. pet the kitty. wait awhile of
years before beginning it again. don't forget.
someone something always wanting to know his location. here now. 0,0,0 00:00:00
we're still not clear about what's up with us. who are we? what are we doing? spinning the wheels turning greater and lesser wheels more or less rapidly in spheres of space and time, etc.
someone something always wanting to know his location. here now. 0,0,0 00:00:00
we're still not clear about what's up with us. who are we? what are we doing? spinning the wheels turning greater and lesser wheels more or less rapidly in spheres of space and time, etc.
so there.
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