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i am i because my little dog knows me - gertrude stein.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

part 51
herky jerky people everywhere. not in control of nothing, most especially themselves. the more it is revealed what idiots we are which is no surprise to anyone not even ourselves. we are written outta the story of the lives of the elitist folk everyone else who are so fascinated by wishing they were one with them but will never be in reality unless maybe they go their own way and forget to care letting it blow through their hair if they would dare.
there is no change despite everything changing all the time. not in the human condition. not in the hierarchical established status quo thing. and the monkey in the middle blamed for all sortsa crimes against humanity. if it changes the whole of it falls down and then who can tell who's better than who?
a fixation of doubt. doubting everything that might happen by. the validity of meaning buried in a landfill.
why not?
the clown kills a teeny tiny living flying thing... or does he? he doesn't know.
white butterfly fluttering past the window.
the recycling truck is driven up by the person to empty the bins.
this is what you need to do - now, do it.
troubling times in a troubling world. this is what we paid to see. everybody talking about it. real as can be.
but what if it actually is real? what do we do then but die? what is death? no one living knows even with their great books of speculations and all of it. seems it could be very exciting - or not.
living is weird. weird thoughts in our heads. to see the invisible and be certain it is truth. to see the visible and be uncertain it is anything at all.
to see what is revealed to each of us alone in a form we will believe if we can believe anything.
to seek the meaning of what we perceive gazing beyond it into the infinite abyss thing where we might fathom its depths of wonder.
bring it to us.
bring us to it.
this is the shit.
be careful.
be careful with everything.
people wanna feel those good positive vibrations all the time, but they become irritating after a while.
give us a break.
everything isn't so peachy keen all the time.
when everything you know is wrong down to the bottom of your toes. when your mind is dashed on the rocks of madness. come talk to us. otherwise, just keep on walking around the universe one step at a time in an eternity beyond comprehension but that one might understand.
there is so much to understand. pretty things. there are numerous ways to understand each one. how does one understand them all when there really isn't any much reason to - or not to? humbug.
but there are those who claim to have it all covered with their truth. perhaps so. we don't know if or if not about anything in the fortunate state we're in.
13 steps how to become a successful monkey.
but sideways from that we've eaten our cake and have it too. across on the moon chasing the dish and the spoon in june.
pet the kitty.
a slot for this, a slot for that, a slot for the other thing. we fill them as best we can but there's always something wrong. and it must be us, it cannot be them.
so as life goes on the clown continuing not p0em that seems like forever he thinks about food products, pig futures, and such other things he knows little about but by intuitive thought and understanding.
and he naps.
and upon awakening the clown further complains about everything in general that might come across his idle mind spinning the wheels in favor of this being an ordinary fucking day for everyone, for some worse than others - you know how that is, right?
to refuse to acknowledge this world except in terms it forces us to unless we live the ascetic life from beginning to end we may withstand.
but that is not for us for reasons we are beginning to understand of late into the end.
yet silence undermines our efforts at long last.
the project is under budget and ahead of schedule as one may remember/. and that is only part of why it is amazingly fantastic for the opportunity and prosperity of one and all.
what a wonderful world this could be.
damn it all to hell.
the wars to come and go forever is what perhaps needs to be for no real reason why or why not. becuz that is the way we are dreaming it for ourselves. yin yang action/reaction boomerang-a-dang-doo - as we have also stated before this time along with most else we are spewing forth yahoo.
the constant effect of noise on the system to break it down. get rid of noise and we will have perfection. this is only partly true it would seem.
to be perfect it would need t o be absolutely static - every location of spacetime producing at its peak in arrangement and alignment with all other locations. but it's not static, it's constantly changing - duh. but 2+2=cow as we remember from our own indoctrination experimentations. but now it's a refined science of mass master control upon the face of the earth. when do we all agree when there is someone who claims to rule the world? or is this our fancy fantasy? what?
clearly this might not be able to be explained in any meaningful way to anyone. the overlords are distantly amused. this has been forever by now. what a dull world they fight over to possess for themselves. what's all the excitement? more $$$.
on the dividing line between right and wrong and whatever else fits into the equation. the clown sighs. when will it be the end? the end of what? where? when?
confusion comes in waves at night now almost over as he thinks of nobody's business at the jamboree.
until the formation of love for everyone as we dream it might be but see no possibility. the clown poops a mighty poop clogging the toilet he plunges back to working order again. what a morning. then he takes his meds and gets coffee and a toke and a banana.
everything is perfect in its "imperfection". everything has meaning, except gazorbnik which is unique in non-meaning. we perceive what we wish to believe we perceive. the ignorant hand that plays along on stage at the burning theater mesmerizing the given crowd with amusing entertainment of life as is.
quickly now, run away from what troubles you have haunting your good times bust flat on your face to finish the race in time is $$$. figure it out. it is it. have no doubt.
the same ritual routines people follow cuz no one told them not to.
to have doubt without doubt. kiss it away like kissing the phony moon if we please now that we have come about here again to this old place we remember from silly daze of youth when we believed we were no longer young but old and wise. and how funny is that which continues until this day up on sugar mountain? and it's probably all broken down by now. best to keep it in our dreams buried systematically in the future.
children running in circles around the park. the clown needs to walk later. dog barking. he doesn't like dogs.
he likes spaceships. when everything has a place and purpose in natural order that we then throw a spanner into it grinding it to a halt. the so-called primitive knows more about it than we do. or they used to before they got corporatized. perhaps no more. it doesn't matter. they'll be recruited and armed by somebody's army and go rape and kill on their pursuit of happiness. just like everybody else. becuz we are them.
we don't need to be. we may not wanna be. but here we are with nothing else to do that is truly satisfying to the soul.
we don't have a soul, we are a soul - guru jeff.
guru jeff taught us by example how to steal what we need and how to think about what we need. it used to be easy back in the day. we made less $$$ but the $$$ was worth more. we ain't got squat now. everything is owned by the corporatestate and the banks which is perfectly alright uptight outta sight. swing it, baby. swing it all night long.
the experiment has failed. we are left with our own devices. far too many will not survive. anarchy now. we shall see. many of the others plead their case calmly and seemingly reasonably. but who can follow a word they say? they tell us all is love/? what is love? an ever-overflowing fountain of groovy good vibrations? and what do we do with the evil vibrations? everything no one wants to feel.
the clown sleeps and dreams.

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