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i am i because my little dog knows me - gertrude stein.

Friday, December 15, 2017

part 105 -bzzzat

is there anything more exciting than an idea of a god?
the clown wonders about it while typing not p0em in the night kept out with a light bulb.
mass produced people machines. mashed potato brains. the clown also wonders about when the pizza delivery might show up to be an impossible dream scheme perpetrating upon the masses unaware anything is differently arranged from before now which is the only time that exists according to our theory of everything most of which has been proven wrong by rationalogic thought that we try to ignore if we can but are not always successful. dig.
understanding about 2+2=cow in forced slave labor camps residing along the seaside waves rolling in and washing out we find relaxing to our moods in sync with the tides in balance with our dear sister moon not too many other people notice for themselves nowadays of this ultra-modern life disconnected from the earth as it is.
we have forgotten. everything is happy all the time. we fill ourselves from the fountain of love (soma). we sing and dance. we fall down. we laugh. this is now required at least 6 times a day. everyone obedient to the cause.
the clown wonders about things like this that he might imagine being possible if not inevitable. we grumble and complain at first but fall in line soon after. it's easier that way. it's the life of the party. it's a dreamtime thing.

yes, all things are possible. 4:20. but who wants to take the chance? we are secure in doubt at times and unable to move from our fixed positions. but that might be the wisest choice for us to make as it may turn out. action through inaction. not everything needs to move. but push it hard enough and it will fall over.
more coffee, another toke, another cigarette.
pet the kitty.
the routines of living life as we know it. not everything needs to be fun and exciting depending on what does it for you. weird is life. we should know this by now but some do not
everybody's got a solution - eliminate everyone else. won't we have a merrie funtime then? each of us killing each of us until everybody's had enough. amok.
the clown has little interest in this world anymore, not that he had much to begin with. the world has always seemed hostile. it's heavy and useless with impotent self-importance that in the end we come to realize it is a joke played on itself without understanding. :sSsSsSsSsSsS:
it's delicious. is it pie? is it pie in the sky? is it pie in our eye? what is it?
the earth is a different story. it is a garden still after being raped and pillaged for $$$.
yay, earth.
boo, world.
but they are killing us off anyway. we won't survive here very much longer. oh well. it was fun while it lasted - sorta. uh-huh.
that's alright, we're used to being ignored. what do we do but laugh at everyone? that cannot be allowed to happen with people taking themselves very very serious and shit. it's a real drag to have to endure their worship of themselves broadcast through all media while the masses eat it up not being able to get enough as if any of it will save them.
we do not need to be saved. we have saved ourselves for the time being what it is. DOA. - haha. look at us now.
how many points on a line long or short no one can say except it could be infinite. yet how many points in infinity? infinity x infinity? it quickly becomes meaningless from there. why are we even thinking about it. cuz it turns us on.
the universe could be just a point in some other larger dimension - or smaller for that matter. how do dimensions work? what are they? do they even exist? what do they look like? etc.
6666 - haha. how is it all done until it becomes incomprehensible? we have to become incomprehensible. but many think in linear thought not round about twist and shout. big earring and jazz on a summer hot street when everyone feels sleepy but can't get to sleep. going beyond where beyond was before. imagine that.
meanwhile down at the liquor store the clown passing by like having another dream, or x-ray vision?
this is perhaps a beginning but of course it is every moment repeating never repeating ever again so it does begin here now, eh?
information. there are echoes in here now. everything contained within but we will never have the chance to find out cuz it keeps going and going. the project must continue until there is no use for it anymore. the dream is always and then some whatever.

and then everything explodes to itself becoming like crazy guitar feedback from a distant lost age from now. let's forget, shall we? it's easy once you know how what you're doing. the doors fly open all at once, baby. let's run run run to get home away from home.
who's crying now? those who thought they were at the top of it, but now the world's turned around a bit sideways just for a joke on them. it could be.
libertarian justice on a stick it up your ass while anarky screams for attention and everyone else is ignored. the secrets are out. they've been used to keep us down. it's useful to be polite. please and thank you. no excuse is necessary.
are there some still looking for instruction? go away. no one can teach you, you can only learn - from anything anywhere at any time. energy. wet attack. funny whistle and break a leg. we will find it anew. is it romance? fuck you.
now the noise begins as it ever was and will be. the clown is tired, ready for sleep anytime. it's the mind control radiations thing. the reports are still coming in. we'll see how dangerous this actually might be to leave us out in the cold.

are we still on? are we off? off we go, baby. outer space calls to us. we must follow if and when we can.
hijack the starship. a long ago dream no longer true as it once could have been. if we could have been. but dreams are meant to be broken, yes?
this is what we are told by the unimaginative folks doing their duty. we have failed them. we could not muster the faith enough, or as much doubt either. it's not what's true or false but what we believe.
and then suddenly...

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